Tuesday, October 10, 2006

36 Weeks

I have forgotten what I used to look like, and that my stomach was once flat...I don't think it's possible for my belly to grow any larger but I still have 4 weeks to go. I went to the doc last week, but just as I had suspected nothing was happening yet. My doc is out of town this week, so I won't see him until next week Thursday.

I'll definatley keep you all updated now that we are so close to Braeden's arrival. My family has a history of going early...so I'm praying that continues, we are so ready to meet our little guy! He is head down, but it's hard to tell if he's "dropped" since I've been carrying so low to begin with, not to mention I'm using the ladies room every 20 minutes.

He's been squirming around quite a bit, & the doc says we're both healthy and weighing in at what we should. There isn't much else to report, now we just sit around & wait!