Thursday, September 14, 2006

32 Weeks

Here's 32 weeks, but I swear the picture adds 10 lbs to what I really look like... yeah right! Anyways, only 8 weeks left & we are sooooo excited! We can't wait!

Our doctor appointment went really well last week, both Braeden & I are very healthy and my belly is measuring where it shold be. According to the pregnancy websites I frequent, Braeden is over 4 lbs now & approx. 17 inches.

I can vouch for that, he's feeling pretty heavy & when he stretches I can definately feel it in my ribs!

This weekend we are going to be finishing up last minute things in the nursery, so we'll put some pics on here once it's done. The countdown has officially begun! My next doctor visit it September 28th (I'll be 34 weeks), and after that I'll be seeing him weekly. Pretty soon, we'll have some baby pics to show off!!!!!