Wednesday, June 14, 2006

19 Weeks Update

We are officially 19 weeks pregnant, and my stomach seems to be growing everyday. I would have Nick take a picture, but I am not wearing my "pregnancy photo" clothes:)

Next Friday, the 23rd is the big day; we get to see our little one for the first time!!!!! We plan on chaining ourselves in the doc's office until we know what the sex is. I think we are both *hoping* for a girl, but kind of have a feeling it's a boy. Either way, we'll be very happy! We'll post some pics once we get them, & we'll definately let you all know what we find out on Friday.

Every once in a while, I think I feel the baby moving around, but I can't be too sure that's what it is. Apparently, I'm supposed to start feeling it anywhere between 18-22 weeks. And, yes, I no longer fit into human clothes, now just Big Momma pants & shirts:) We're almost halfway there!

And finally, some pics of the mostly finished nursery. At least we have carpet!

Fun, fun!

Nick and Amy