Wednesday, May 10, 2006

All my comments are gone!

I had to install Haloscan comments since some can't seem to play nicely in the comment box... The good thing about Haloscan is, when someone leaves a comment you don't like, you can just ban their IP address and they can never comment again. Facism at it's best.

We've also added a count down graphic thingy. Hmmm... 26 weeks and 6 days to go. Seems so far away, but if it goes like this year has gone so far, that date will be here before we know it.

Oh, and if anyone knows of a good nursery furniture store, online or elsewhere, drop us a line. We're looking for a white crib/changing table combo. Well, ideally it would be a combo. I've tried looking online, but despite all the internet is good for, reasonably priced nursery furniture is apparently not it's specialty.

Actually, this website has exactly what we want... only not in white, and their under qualified web designers still haven't figured out how to actually put their prices on the website. It's tough, I know... you have to use the number pad... and the dollar sign...

So that's about all for now.

Nick and Amy