Friday, June 23, 2006

Congrats! It's a.....

It's a boy!

Everything looked good and healthy. He has all his fingers and toes. And so far he is a very active boy. He didn't sit still at all during the ultrasound.

Nick and Amy

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Halfway Point!

Here's what 20 weeks looks like! My belly has expanded quite a bit, and I'm sure this is nothing compared to what I will look like in the next few months.

We are anxiously waiting for Friday to be here, so that we can see the baby & hopefully be able to tell who's in there!

I have felt a few flutters, but I guess I don't really know what to be on the lookout for, so I can't say I've really felt the baby yet.

How come no one ever votes on our baby poll???????????? You have 2 days to do it, get to work! We go in on Friday at 12:30 for the ultrasound & then my checkup is at 1:30. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

19 Weeks Update

We are officially 19 weeks pregnant, and my stomach seems to be growing everyday. I would have Nick take a picture, but I am not wearing my "pregnancy photo" clothes:)

Next Friday, the 23rd is the big day; we get to see our little one for the first time!!!!! We plan on chaining ourselves in the doc's office until we know what the sex is. I think we are both *hoping* for a girl, but kind of have a feeling it's a boy. Either way, we'll be very happy! We'll post some pics once we get them, & we'll definately let you all know what we find out on Friday.

Every once in a while, I think I feel the baby moving around, but I can't be too sure that's what it is. Apparently, I'm supposed to start feeling it anywhere between 18-22 weeks. And, yes, I no longer fit into human clothes, now just Big Momma pants & shirts:) We're almost halfway there!

And finally, some pics of the mostly finished nursery. At least we have carpet!

Fun, fun!

Nick and Amy